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Tag: Suzy Recipe

Breakfast, Episodes, How to, Recipes, Sharon’s Recipe, Suzy’s Recipe, Sweets, The Sisters show you how

How to make caramel cinnamon rolls

Caramel rolls are a Midwest favorite, at least they are in North Dakota and western Minnesota, get to the Twin Cities and you may have a hard time finding them.  They may have originated as a German from Russia treat.   No matter how they came into existence they are creamier than a sticky bun and you can find them at many restaurants in North Dakota besides the holiday breakfast table. Heck we don’t need a holiday to feast on them. 

Canned Chicken, Chicken, German From Russia Foods, How to, North Dakota, Recipes, Suzy’s Recipe

The Best Knoephla Soup

Community Calendar ND conducted a very unscentific poll on Facebook, it was dependent on who saw the poll (a little under 10,000 views), who shared the poll, who answered the poll (a little under 1,000) and of course what kind of knoephla soup you like. So who has the best Knoephla Soup according to this poll?

Episodes, Recipes, Suzy’s Recipe, Sweets, The Sisters show you how

A Healthier Chocolate Mousse

What makes this healthier? Using an avocado for butter, heavy cream and egg yolks along with bittersweet chocolate rather than a sugar laden chocolate.. This recipe has less saturated fats and about 7 times the fiber. Fiber is important for gut bacteria health, it slows the sugar down in your digestive system. Fiber feeds the good bacteria.