Suzy made this video, a Healthier Chocolate Mousse, at the start of our “vlog” . We were not using the same logo or the name of Sisters of the Spoon. This was the first video Suzy made live without Sharon. Never mind the blender almost on fire! This recipe is smoking good. Ha ! Ha! Actually it is delicious. Suzy still uses the blender but does not let it run at a high speed as she did in the video.
The mixer that is another story. After more then 75 years of use, it started smoking. The sisters’ mom had used that mixer since the forties, many a batch of cookies, cakes and meringue have been made with that mixer.
What makes this healthier? Using an avocado for butter, heavy cream and egg yolks along with bittersweet chocolate rather than a sugar laden chocolate.. This recipe has less saturated fats and about 7 times the fiber. Fiber is important for gut bacteria health, it slows the sugar down in your digestive system. Fiber feeds the good bacteria.
Ironic Sharon will soon be flying to Panama City Beach Florida and Suzy will be driving the opposite from the year of this video.
Healthier Chocolate Mousse

What makes this healthier? Using an avocado for butter, heavy cream and egg yolks along with bittersweet chocolate rather than a sugar laden chocolate.. This recipe has less saturated fats and about 7 times the fiber. Fiber is important for gut bacteria health, it slows the sugar down in your digestive system. Fiber feeds the goo bacteria.
- 1 ripened avocado
- 3/4 cup brown sugar
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp chili powder
- 12 ounces of bittersweet chocolate melted
- 6 egg whites
In a blender or food processor mix the avocado, brown sugar, cinnamon, chili powder.
Pour the melted chocolate in the blender while it is at low speed
Turn the blender a little higher while you beat the egg whites with a mixer on high speed to form soft peaks
Stop the blender and fold the Chocolate into the bowl of egg whites
Pour into individual serving dishes,
Cover with plastic wrap and chill
#NationalBittersweetChocolateDay is in every January.

Suzy lives in the hometown where all these days are put on the calendar, World Headquarters of National Day Calendar.
Check out the Sisters of the Spoon Youtube channel and please Subscribe where you will find more videos then this first live of a Healthier Chocolate Mousee