These Ooey Gooey Bacon Bombs may explode in your mouth. Be careful with that hot cheese! Sharon suggests these could be stuffed with other goodies also. Such as onions, mushrooms, peppers or any veggie. Suzy likes things hot so she says jalapeños may be yummy! Ground turkey could be substituted also.
Enjoy! Them while you watch a Kevin Bacon flick such as Foot Loose.
#NationalBaconDay or #BaconDay occurs every year on December 30 of every year. The year will go out with a bang if you serve them for the holidays. Yum! Yum!
Sharon’s recipe
1 lb ground beef – 85% lean
8 slices of bacon (don’t use the thick cut)
½ tsp. salt; ¼ tsp. pepper
¼ tsp. Garlic powder
½ tsp. Onion powder
Cheese (any kind that you like) Sharon uses brick, but thinks shredded would work too.
Mix ground beef with the seasonings. Divide into eight pieces. Cube eight pieces of cheese about ½ – ¾”.
Put the cheese into the middle and wrap the ground beef around the cheese square.
Cut the bacon slice in half. Make an X with the strip. Put the meatball in the middle and wrap the bacon around it. Make sure the whole thing is covered.
Put the bombs into a sheet pan with something raising them above the bottom such as a cooling rack
Bake at 375 for 35 minutes. Longer if you like your bacon crispier
For more Recipes