Panama City Beach Florida
Flag Alert System
When two red flags are flying on the beach. It means the beach water is closed. DO NOT ENTER the water.
If you would like to receive text alerts for beach flags text PCBFLAGS to 888777
To opt out of the Flag Text Alerts text STOP to 888777
After you send your text request it may be a couple of days before you start receiving alerts.
If you want to check the Flag Status for the day go to the home page of Panama City Beach Florida

Is it normal to have so many double red flag days?
On Wednesday June 21, 2023, Suzy spoke with Debbie Ingram the communication director for the city of Panama City Beach, Florida. Prior to the recent Double Red Flag days this past week and weekend there had only been 10 Double Red Flag days she had counted since January this year. It has been highly unusual to have so many double red flags in a row like what has happened.
How and when flags are changed?
Suzy asked how and when is it determined what flag will be displayed. Each day at 9 am the safety team at PCB meets and goes over weather conditions, current conditions getting information from numerous sources, then they also have members actually get in the water to evaluate safety levels. The flags can be changed at any time during the day to update the situation.
What is a rip current
Rip currents can be very deceiving because they will look like the calmest part of the water almost like glass, and they will pull you out into deeper waters. Do not get caught in the grip of the rip. Watch this video on rip currents.
When double red flags fly, the water is closed to the public. “Knee Deep is Too Deep” No entry into the water is allowed! A rip current may be
- a channel of churning choppy water
- an area of the water with a noticeable difference in color
- a line of foam, seawood or debris moving steadily out to sea
- a break in the incoming wave pattern
Failure to obey an order to stay out of or come in from the Gulf of Mexico by any member of the City’s fire rescue department, when reasonably known to be such a person, is hereby prohibited, and made unlawful. Any person violating any provision of this section may be punished as follows:
1. First Offense: verbal warning.
2. Second Offense (occurring within twenty-four hours but following an opportunity to comply with the preceding warning): Misdemeanor of the second degree punishable by a fine of no more than $500, or a sentence of not more than sixty (60) days in jail, or both.
Be aware that conditions in the Gulf of Mexico are constantly changing. Watch the flag colors at all times and use good judgment to determine whether it’s safe to enter the water. The beach flags are there for your protection, so keep an eye on them!
Beaches with Life Guards in PCB
Lifeguards are not on duty at all times check for dates they are at the following beaches
- MB Miller County Pier 12213 Front Beach Road Panama City Beach Florida
- Rick Seltzer Park 7419 Thomas Dr Panama City Beach Florida
- Russell Fields City Pier 16101 Front Beach Road Panama City Beach Florida
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